Sunday, 7 March 2010

Heart Disease No Longer Just for the Old

There has been a lot of heart health related news over the last little while, former Presidents having blocked arteries cleared, former Vice-Presidents having heart attacks and the sudden passing of an Olympian's Mother due to a Heart Attack.

Sad and sobering news. There have been a couple of major reports on the state of health of North Americans recently as well. We are facing a crisis.

Recent statistics tell us that one out of every five of us has high blood pressure severe enough to require medication. Another study reveals that people in their twenties and thirties are living with high cholesterol, too much weight and on and on.

The most provocative thought from all of this news is that we could find ourselves sitting beside our children in emergency rooms both being treated for the same heart related illnesses.

Heart disease is no longer reserved for the old.

I can't help but think that we have to address some of the issues with our food supply. It doesn't matter how many Olympic athletes are sponsored by a fast food restaurant chain, if the food has too much salt and any trans fats at all, it is really just a slow poison.

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