he has been with us now for three days. I have never been a big fan of small dogs but this guy is hard to resist.
There seems to be a link between successful recovery from bypass graft surgery or other heart operations and sharing your home with pets.
If you think about it, it does look to be likely. It is certainly hard to be stressed while stroking a cat or playing with a puppy. Reducing stress is one of the key lifestyle changes recommended to diminish the risk of heart disease.
Having a dog will also get you out of the chair or up off of the couch pretty regularly as they need to pee or go for walks. Your dog may be sympathetic to the fact that you are feeling pretty crummy but when he's got to go, he's got to go.
Once you are on your feet a dog is a great walking companion. They are definitely an important member of the Zipper Club Support Team .
Shorty is technically my wife's dog but I had no idea just how darn cute a Maltese puppy can be. Our Field Spaniel pup arrives in mid-December so I have a feeling that our house is going to be so full of puppy cuteness for the next few months that I'm going to have to work at being my grumpy old self or no one will recognize me.
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